When Pigs Fly and Other Funny Idioms for the Impossible (2024)

If you looked up into the sky and saw winged pigs flying around, that would certainly be a sight to behold! However, even though the saying "when pigs fly" is a common one, that's not something you'll probably ever see. This phrase is an idiom of improbability used to describe something that is never going to happen.

When Pigs Fly Meaning

The phrase when pigs fly is a figure of speech used to indicate that something is impossible. When someone states that they intend to do something that simply cannot be done, one could respond with a literal statement to that effect. Or, one could simply respond "when pigs fly." The expression loosely means "that is not possible" or "that will not happen." As this is a common English language expression, native speakers of the language and those who are familiar with common expressions and their meanings will know what the speaker means.

When Pigs Fly Usage

The "when pigs fly" idiom is a form of adynaton, which is a type of hyperbole. The word adynaton comes from the Greek word adunaton, which means impossible. Adynaton is a figure of speech involving the use of a phrase that represents something that is impossible or highly improbable.

The use of this type of phrase is intended to convey that something is so improbable as to be considered impossible. Review a few examples of "when pigs fly" and similar phrases in sentences.

  • When will I go to work in the family business? When pigs fly, that's when.
  • Can you have a pet gerbil? Not until pigs fly.
  • Pigs will fly before I'll ever try sushi again. Yuck!
  • When will I buy you yet another video game? When pigs sprout wings and fly.


The When Pigs Fly Idiom in Dialogue

If you say something and the person you are speaking to responds with "when pigs fly," that means the individual is trying to tell you that what you're saying won't happen or that the person disbelieves what you are saying.

I plan to graduate from college a semester early.When pigs fly.
I am going to lose 25 pounds before we go on vacation in two weeks.When pigs fly.
The doctor said that I should eat more sugar.When pigs fly.
I don't think my teacher will notice that I copied an essay I found on the internet.When pigs fly.
I heard that the new restaurant in town has a filet mignon entree for under $10.When pigs fly.

Exploring More Idioms for Impossible Things

"When pigs fly" is just one of several idioms of improbability commonly used in English. There are plenty of creative and funny ways to let people know that what they're talking about is all but unattainable or impossible. To use another idiom, these types of phrases often refer to pipe dreams.

  • cold day in he** - It'll be a cold day in he** before I apologize for speaking the truth.
  • don't hold your breath - Your goal is to win the lottery? Don't hold your breath.
  • get blood from a stone - You'll be able to get blood from a stone before I clean out the swimming pool.
  • lightning in a bottle - You'd be as likely to catch lightning in a bottle as to convince your parents to let you go on this trip.
  • needle in a haystack - Locating a missing sock is as likely as finding a needle in a haystack.
  • not in a million years - Not in a million years would I ever go on a date with that jerk again.
  • on a cold day in July - It'll be a cold day in July before I even think about going skydiving.
  • snowball's chance in he** - Our team has a snowball's chance in he** of going to the playoffs.
  • the first of never - When do I expect him to do what he promised? On the first of never.
  • when salt blossoms - I'll think about going back to that place when salt blossoms.


Expand Your Figurative Vocabulary

Now that you've explored the story behind "when pigs fly" and are aware of some other funny idioms of improbability, maybe you're interested in exploring figures of speech even further? Start by exploring some metaphor examples. Then, move on to simile examples. Soon you'll be a master of figurative language!

When Pigs Fly and Other Funny Idioms for the Impossible (2024)


What is an idiom for something impossible? ›

Tasks that are difficult or impossible to perform

To have "a snowball's chance in Hell". "Like getting blood from a stone", and "like squeezing water from a stone". "Like finding a needle in a haystack"

When pigs fly idiom synonym funny? ›

What is another word for when pigs fly?
not on your nellyno way
not by a long shotill
not the least bitnot by a long chalk
never againno longer
no morenot any more
33 more rows

What is the idiom related to pigs fly? ›

Definition: It's impossible for pigs to fly, so when someone says this, they are saying that something will (most likely) never happen. Examples: “I might wake up early to clean my room…” “Yeah right, you'll do that when pigs fly.”

What is the idiom for unrealistic expectations? ›

"Pie in the sky" is a delightful idiom that captures the essence of unattainable dreams or unrealistic expectations. By understanding and incorporating this idiom into your English vocabulary, you'll be better equipped to express the idea of something that appears tempting but is unlikely to materialize.

What is a stronger word for impossible? ›

inconceivable, unthinkable, out of the question, unimaginable, unbelievable , impassable, preposterous , implausible, beyond the bounds of possibility, like finding a needle in a haystack (informal), not possible, improbable, unlikely , highly unlikely, very unlikely.

What is the phrase for chasing something unattainable? ›

a wild or absurd search for something nonexistent or unobtainable: a wild-goose chase looking for a building long demolished. any senseless pursuit of an object or end; a hopeless enterprise: Her scheme of being a movie star is a wild-goose chase.

What is the phrase for an impossible task? ›

"Boil the ocean" is an idiomatic phrase that means to undertake an impossible task or project or to make a job or project unnecessarily difficult.

What is a metaphor for a difficult situation? ›

Between a Rock and a Hard Place. A Tough Nut to Crack. Walking on Thin Ice. In Hot Water.

What is the idiom for useless effort? ›

Banging your head against a tree. Nailing Jell-o to a wall. Flogging a dead horse. Rearranging the deck chairs on The Titanic.

When pigs fly is a metaphor? ›

The phrase "when pigs fly" (alternatively, "pigs might fly") is an adynaton—a figure of speech so hyperbolic that it describes an impossibility. The implication of such a phrase is that the circ*mstances in question (the adynaton, and the circ*mstances to which the adynaton is being applied) will never occur.

Who made the saying when pigs fly? ›

No one is certain exactly who developed the phrase “when pigs fly." An old reference to pigs flying appears in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. However, scholars believe Carroll may have picked up the phrase from the Scottish, who allegedly had been using the phrase for a couple hundred years.

What does the phrase pigs could fly mean? ›

said when you think that there is no chance at all of something happening: "I'll have finished it by tomorrow." "And pigs can fly!" Impossible and improbable.

What is the word for someone who always expects the worst? ›

Pessimistic describes the state of mind of someone who always expects the worst.

What is the idiom for unpredictable person? ›

Barmy, choleric, cracked, crazed, demented, erratic, fritzed out, frizzed, hopped up, jangled, mad, neurologically displaced, short-circuited, volatile or unbalanced. Can't think of any more off hand.

What is a word for something you can't expect? ›

/ənprɪˈdɪktəbəl/ When something's unpredictable, it doesn't happen at expected times or it can't be predicted. If trains were unpredictable, they wouldn't follow a set schedule and you'd never know when one would arrive. The adjective unpredictable can also describe something that's unexpected or not known in advance.

What is the word for something that seems impossible? ›

absurd, futile, hopeless, impassable, impractical, inaccessible, inconceivable, insurmountable, preposterous, unattainable, unimaginable, unreasonable, unthinkable, unworkable, useless.

What is the idiom for something very difficult? ›

Between a Rock and a Hard Place. A Tough Nut to Crack. Walking on Thin Ice. In Hot Water.

What idiom refers to a near impossible task? ›

Finding a needle in a haystack is an incredibly common idiom, but it is mostly used for impossible searches. Herding cats is likewise common, but largely reserved for getting a group of people to work together.

What is the idiom of something that will never succeed? ›

To say that something will never fly means that it will not be successful. "He's got incredible ideas, but none that will ever fly!"

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