The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

"ft PACK TOVU 5EW0UK DAICY TRIBONE. SYHOUli ind. Wednesday, august, mi life FOR SALE 33 FOR SAIXUTOMOTTVX 35-1. FOR SALE 42 BUSINESS SERVICES HousEaoLir 47- NOTICES. WW MISCELLANEOU8 Aiitrtiiuw-ree turnace in-.

SPINET PIANO BARGAIN-Wanted responsible" party, with good credit; to take over like new lMkvctnoJI.tynfe'3't'''J1yliM NOTICE to Farmers Place 700' for lime before the Jail rush, John D. EmiTy. 3030-X -v Jy23dtr OrjaHtyrTJsed Cars spection through August 17. We specialize in cleaning, and repairing. Guaranteed service an.d" sat- MUST REDUCE STQCKl JJave Helped, Make isfaoton.ntfrite.j()r,J)hone Hoi' us, inuutna.

Credit Supervisor, 724 Ky and 1 will ar- 'Tang for-yott to see piano, a 1 gd la 9 p. nv, 7 days a -week. Pinat Cat. ist 19 FOR RENT--'-; SUBURBAN PROPERTY v-FOR CITY PROPERTY eents per word tor fhn hwertiwu Additional Imertiqpi I cent pr word. fS cent pet word per month.

lacksoh1 'Counts Largest Used Car Dealers llll- Seymour Markets On Sale for Table laded With 'i'i-: Purses GERTRUDE'S, SIIOi 606 W. Fourth Phone. 783-W THE BEE HU'EL home of Vem- ttan blinds and wlndow-shadps algcL 33-FPR SALE AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE 1950 Chevrolet pickup truck. Sonny Timbers, Route 1. alSd FOR SALE 1938 Ford coach, good condition.

$100, 514 East Fifth. Phone 554-W. FOR SALE 1940 Chevrolet motor. Reasonable price, if sold at once. Phone Medora 3403.

al8d FOR SALE 1942 Buick special sedanette. Dale Zellner, East 4th St. Road. al7d FOR SALE 2 wheel utility trailer, tires 600x16, all metal frame. wood.

floorandjrack4x8xw3 rack. Painted. 1 year old. 11-F Ridgeview. al8d USED CARS 50 Ford Tudor 6 cyl.

Radio, Heater St Overdrive. 49 Ford Tudor 8 cyl. Badio Heater. 47 Dodge 4-door. Radio Heater.

47 Ford Tudor 8 cyl. Radio St Heater. 46 Ford Tudor 8 cyL 41 Plymouth 2-door. 41 Chevrolet Club Coupe. 4 40 Ford Tudor.

30 Puntiac Tudor. USKD TRUCKS 50 F-4 1 Ton 8 cyl. Ford Platform Body with Stake Racks fac-V tory built Must be seen to be appreciated A Real Buy. -49 Dodge i Ton Pickup. 48 Dodge 1 Ton Platform.

A The following 1951 NEW Trucks are available for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. F-l V4 Ton Pickup 8 cyl. Standard Cab. F-2 Ton Pickup 8 cyL Standard Cab. F-5 Too Cab St chassis.

158" W. B. 8 cyl. JACKSON COUNXY MOTORS 202 E. 2nd St Phona BP7 fiadtf SALE 1950 Chevrolet rload.

August 15, 1951 Wheat No. 1 soft $2.20 Wheat No. 2 soft (new) Yellow corn (new) White corn (per bu.) 12.19 $1.66 $140 77c Rye $1.46 Soybeans, No. 2 yellow (new) $2.76 Heavy hens 23o Heavv fryers 27c 23c 18c 14 Leghorn, fryers Leghorn hens via roosters Buttcrfat tprem.) Butterfat (regj 60c -57c F-SS, No. I Eggs, No.

2 32c August IS. 1951 $19.00 down Pigs 160-180 lbs. 180-220 lbs. 220-240 lbs. $22 0t $2X75 $22J0 240.280 lbs.

260-280 lbs. 280-300 lbs, $2U0 Sows $10.00 down CALF MARKET Thursday and Friday only CATTLE MARKET Cutter cows Commercial cows Cutter bulls u. Commercial bulls Steers and hcireli CHICAGO RAIN By AancUited Ftm August IS. 1951 Open High Low Close WHEAT Sept 2 40U 2 4 1 2 39H 2.4 1 Dec. 2 43 2.41 2.42V 2.43' Mar.

2 45ti 2.46 2.44H 2 45T May 2 4.1 2 43M 2 42V 2 43 July 2.34 2341 2.34 2 34H -CORN Sept Dec Mar. May 1.73V 1.74e 1.74H I63H 164i 1.63V 1.64 1 67l 163 1.67 ta 1.68 1 68V 1.69H J.68 169 169 1.70V 169 1.70' 4 July OATS Seymour Livestock Minimum SO mitt BW trnot double prlc. LOST AND FOUND LOST Black and- white Beagle hound with head and ears; also black and tan 3 month old pup. Phone 2036-X. al7d EMPLOYMENT FOR MEN A Married man for truck driver for soft drink route.

Phone 184. OPPORTUNITY We'rrt looking for a reKable married man, age 30-50, to take care of our business in the. city and country. Man selected will be practically set Tip in business for himself on a remunerative 25 basis. New and repeat business assures substantial income from start.

No shortage of merchandise. There will be no delivery or collecting. Car necessary to cover territory. This position will lead quickly to district managership for right person. For interview, write Box 14.

care Tribune. i WANTED Responsible man, 25 rears or older, as bookkeeper for ocaMlrm. References required. Write TribuneBox 25. jyZlaTT EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN WANTED Adult young lady for fountain work.

Steady employ-5 ment Experience not necessary but will help. Write to Box 4, care Tribune. aI7d SAI.F55PPOPT Sell Exclusive Creations. 50 Name. Make $50 on 100 new $1 Assortments.

Extra cash bonus. Over 100 Christmas, Everyday money-makers. ey-back guarantee. Assts. on approval.

Imprint Samples Free! Cardinal Craftsmen, 1400 State, Dept. 3-H, Cincinnati 14, O. 7 EMPLOYMENT FOR MEN AND WOMEN WANTED Salesperson for Sat-urday and part-time employment. High schol students con- sidered. Apply in person at Eokelman's Shoe Store.

17d -OPPORTUNITIES- BE YOUR own boss. Small investment will set you up in good paying cafeteria. Industrial lo-l cation. Five day weer business: J. Edwin Fettig, Phone 1353.

7df CHILD CARE oman to care for cniid in my home. CTIMlTrort 845-L. a al5dtf Baby sitting, day or Mi night by experienced young married woman, Phone 57-Y -ar8d WANTED Woman to care for 7 two children. Call 568-L after 4:30 p. 311 S.

O'Brien St. aT6d IHKlSl'MASl'AHU SAI.F55PPOPT P' 1 A LH'III I I I m. real 4 III v- M.UU F.state rail Km FoKi-lnV ou1- Phwi. ftftfoftt nd-rack50x Thi trurlr ran't tM fr.Tl netICrt.1Mr-tO This truck can't be told from iSept Dec. Ml MST IT .84 J4l .86 JSSH MU i Mar, May MM Jul 2A4 82i FOR RENi Modern, 6 room house in Crothersville, 107 E-Main St.

For Adults onlyPhone 289 alldtf 14 A WANTED REAL ESTATE WAXTKl) Real Estate Ifor alel We can now offer complete service in handling' the sale of your property. 1. Appraisal of the property to establish a value. 2. We can have your abstract brought up to date and certified.

(This is important to both seller and buyer 3. We can have a new abstract made for your attorney to check. 4. For the seller, we compute both State Gross Income Tax and the Federal Tax. 5.

For the seller of a business, we are in a position, to assist in taking inventory and. figuring' same. 6. For the buyer, we can furnish adequate Insurance protection on your new purchase. 7.

For the buyer, we may assist in securing a loan. Every trans- tention. We offer book-kecDimz service to small 'businesses, which includes filing of tax returns and computing same. Our Slogan Is: "You must pay every cent you owe, but not one cent more." Do you know when you are right? Insurance and Real Estate Notary Public c.Lkx a. wilul: Bookkeeper 2144 S.

Chestnut St. Seymour. Ind Phone 797-X and 520-K 20 FOR RENT CITY PROPERTY FOR RENT 50x50 builcfing suitable for garage or storage between Chestnut and Carter on Bruce Phono 1114. 21 FQRRENT -RQOMSAPTSt FOR RENT Two or three room apartment, downstairs. Gas, Jights, waterpaid.Sjhare bath.

108 E. Third. FOR RENT Three 'room unf urnished apartment with bath. Phone 761, al4dtf FOR RENT Fui nisliecf apart mentM rooms and bath. Write Box 2.

Tribune. alfJd FOR RENT Furnished apartment, ground floor; utilities furnished. Suitable for adult couple. 314 N. Walnut.

FOR. RENT Modern sleeuim? Yooms. 601 Ewing. a9dtf FOR, RENT 2 Room. furnished partmenhyMo.Ms...ovlyr-.

32 -imtwr a 1 5dlf rX)R RENT 3 Room furnished apartment, 797-X, al8d FOR RENT Sleeping rooms in modern home. 544 W. Fourth. jy30dtf FOR RENT Modern sleeping room. 101 East Third.

alOdtf 22 FOR RENT FARM LANDS FOR INSURANCE or Real Estate Call or sec J. V. Richart. Tel nhone tl nldtf 26 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 'fMODERN TRAILER parkinm running water, drains, showers and washing facilities. Taylor's Drive-in Market, 1305 E.

Tipton. te25Mtf 30 FOR SALE CITY 711 EMEKSON" 'DRIVE rrartir cally new 2 bedroom house, living room with picture window, cabineus, utility room, gas heat, Venetian blinds. Call for appointment. Phone 4287. Harlev 52 Realtor.

alBd FOR SALE! 5. room modern except hardwood floors, built-in cabinets, full basem*nt, enclosed back, porch, screened -4oftporchy, i ood-neiglibt hood. LAWLESS KKALr KSTATE-CO. Over The Bee Hive Phone 948-W oal6d FOR SALE bv Owner Thrw. bedroom modern home near High FOR SALE 4 Room modernTeoe E.

Tipton. al8d NICE FIVE rooms and hath. hns- ment witn. furnace, automatic hot watar heater, glassed in back porch, large garage. Possession on or about August 25.

835 S. ropiar. a20d 722- EMERSON fc J3RIVE Sept 2J7 2 88 2 864 2 884 Nov. 1.70 iWi 2.70U 2.125 Jan. 2.73H 2.75U 2.73 2.75U Mar: T76t 27m TSi rrw Majt PLUMBING fc.

HaatingrTRobirt F. Buhnar. 98S East Tipfon Streat Phone 90S. Jyl7dif STATIONERY Name-On 223 Ensemble 75 long sheets 75 short sheets 75 envelopes All printed with your name and address for only $1.50. POSEY NOTES Personalized with your name JKriaS-dlffeTeBrdesignK 40 for $1.00 with envelopes.

SELF SEAL ENVELOPES Seals without licking bo -moisture required. Fold -and press it's sealed. Your nam and address on each one. 100 for $1.25 500 for $5.0 SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE tues, wed- tf LAWN MOWERS sharpened. ohn Slefker at Siefkers Machine Shop.

Phone 740-K. marSCdtf PAINTS Wall paper and supplies. Seymour Paint tad Wall Paper Company. feSdtf FOR CLEANING Septic and vaults, call 1345. tanks alOd HANDY MAN Repairs-windows, faucetsr-awo-i ers, cnairs, switches, work guar-anteed.

Call 994-K. jl3dtf TYPEWRITER Adding machine repairs. Rentals. Seymour Typewriter Exchange. East Tipton Road.

Phone 1248. d27dtf PLUMBING HEATING Delco Gat and OQ American standard plumbing fixtures. Sales Service LOUrSCrSCHNEIDER -hone 939 Basem*nt 107 East Second f14dtf PLUMBING St FIX! UR LSand your heating needs. A. L.

Plumbing St Heating, piiaue 1233. PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Quality- By Test. MONTGOMERY DAIRY ziet y9dtf "Be Sure With PURE" OLMSTEAD LOLLIS ton fi Park Sts Washing. Polishing Greasing. nrw rsea Tiresv.

Major Minor overhaul Jobs. Jy24dtf HOtrsrHnrn imuiv- c- I onvill i nstt tx 4W, Columbus. JlOdtf re- bestormanencyt Call mdtf PHOTOCOPIES Exact Reproductions: Lege 1 Doeumettti Marriage-Licensee Certificates, etc, from typewritten-longhand or printed originals. Copies of Drawings and Tracings. Permanent Records.

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE PIANO and accordion lessons at your home. Classical or Popular. Frank Bolinger, 210 E. 3rd St AlAtt LG JUrt STEINERVS Auto Shop. automobile repairing tni

1 Rear entrance Disney's Machine Shop, 319 W. Tipton. 274. fife FEDERAL LAND Bank loans, four per cent Muscatatuck National Farm Loan Association. Je29dtf STEI N'S pOjMBl NO- Hea ting: Supplies and fixtures.

Phone U25-W. 402 West Fourth. t9Hif PUMPS repaired, wells and cisterns cleaned. A Bryant Phone 894-W. 417H VAULT, cesspool and septic tank cleaning.

uu w. Jackson St roone 796-W. siad QUALITY SHOE repairing; shot supplies. Fox's Shoe Shop. Third and MilL 16d "REUPHOLSTERlNG and repaL? lng.

B. St Phone 152-W-2 -frt adtf MONUMENTS, select memorials reasonably priced. Seymour Monument Works, 723 E. Tipton Hitch, Phonr07-Lff marlMtf FOR PROMPT delivery of Aetna Oil Co. products call Carl Hart-well.

1319. 24dtf HOUSE WIRING and electric contracting. Blrge Electric and Supply, Inc. South Chestnut St, Phone 940. Jeldtf 43 WHERE TO GET IT PHOTOS Your photo in" 25e.

Vans one minute. 3 for PAmTOUTSIDE-SnwvhiteJ vca, i lianium, uus. Money-' back guarantee. Won't peeC rub or wash off. $2.93 gaL Parker's Used Furniture.

630 East, Tip-ton. tprt mon-tues-wed. tf FOR Limestone and crushed rock. Edgar I. Murphy, 3030-L.

"a4dtf GIFTS FOR ALL. occasions- at Seymour's gift store. The Bee Hive. 18d I 1 601 EAST SECOND Street Love- ly modern home, large living rocm, dining room, kitchen with cabinets, 4' bedrooms and bath up: Coal furnace, stoker full basem*nt, garage. Phone ,1287.

Harley Davis, Realtor. al8d SOUTHWEST Four room and utility gas heat, com-? pletely modern and fully furn-" Jshed, automatic washer electric refrigeration and all new furniture just a few months This is a walkout at a terrific low For appointment to' see, call J. Ecfwin Fettig, Phone 1353. al7d 321 EAST TIPTON Four room brick house, excellent condition. Modern except --furnace.

Lowl price with immediate possession. 3. Edwin Fettig. al7d SOUTH BROADWAY Five room house, modern except furnace. Garage, large lot Low price.

J. Edwin Fettig. Phone 1353. al7d 323 WEST SECOND Corner location, new roof and Ideal for large home or income property. Completely modern immediate possession.

J. Edwin Fettig. office over Adlers. Phone 1353. FOR SALE Modern 5 room and bath.

$40 month income. 621 Noble. 15T5T FOR SALE Lot, Drive. 164 South Park FOR SALE 7 room modern west Second 10 foom modern, make nice duplex or for roomers. Also a few new houses.

J. V. Richart, Phone 22. Trust Building. a7dtf FOR QUICKER SALES for per- 725 NOBLE 5 Room house with bath, corner location," 4 base ment, garage.

Good loan available. Phone 1287. Harley Davis, Realtor. al'7d 815 S. POPLAR 2 Bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, front porch, enclosed back porch.

bath, automatic water heater, garage. Price reasonable. Phone 1287. Office- over Bee Hive. Harley Davis, Realtor.

30A FOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY 3 ROOM house. 1 acre ground; electricity. On highway 258 at Acme On school bus roufe. Contact Paul MtKflUp, Route Cortland. at7d FOR SALE Nine building lots.

East Street Addition. J. T. Combs. Lynn HoteL aor3dtf FOR SALE New four room house, large lot; also large gar- -ge-.

taH-ener- 8 St. Rd. Bessie Ormsby. at8d REAL A Residences: Buildings, businesses. Farms.

Farm Loans. Rentals. Property Management George A. Clark, Vehslagp Buildirur i2dtf FOR SALE 18 ACRES. room modern houM.

barn; chicken housa. PrtTat Laka -wall stocked sate. $18,000. Xald ti mite -waal of Korflt Varnon mt Highway -50 Shown 1T appointmant only. J.

T. Combs. Lyna HotaL prl7dif 31 FOR SALE FARM LAND 80 ACRES timber land, $1800. On good gravel road, 7 miles northeast. Andrew J.

Speckner, Realtor. Phone 291-X or 341-W. al5d FOR SALE 95 Acre farm, 4 room house, crib, shed and poultry .4 Miles east Union-town. Will sell or trade for smaller acreage. See B.

E. Car-lock or write Route 1, Paris Crossing for information. al7d FOR- SALE 30 acres; 5 -miles south of Seymour. Inquire Wm. Walker, 617 ioble St.

2Vi ACRES, 4 rooms, semi-modern; garage. Good location, one mile north of Reddington on 31. Andrew J. Speckner, Realtor. Phone 291-X or 341-W.

al5d 32 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FOR SALE 2 piece used living room suite. $75. Six ft. used refrigerator. $65.

Nearly new Norga table top gas stove, 2 tanks and regulator. $75. 811 North Park. Phone 884-L. al6d FOR SALE Electric refrigerator uood condition.

Call 159-X. al4dtf DdUBLEKlf CilEN. jsink, 32" luoj-w. 16H USED" 75 pound Coolerator ice- nox. condition.

810 Indianapolis Avenue jr- alM FOR SALEFucl oil heater; good conaition. Phone 1350-W. FOR SALE Duo-Nubian eiri. lating hot blast heater. 517 W.

Bruce. alSd FOR -r-Two glass-topped mahogany lamp tables; two white Wedeewood lamna sn N. Chestnut Phone 202-X 50 GALLON electric water-heater, 1 year old. Phone 404-R1 a6dtf WHY 'SUFFER witbMhe heat, be bothered with hay fever? Re. lax anit tleen In tUm nvi vw uicucs I a ltJ.1.

1 I vBuaoie ior 1 room or more Ti 1 9. r- I Chestnut St Phnn GETTOUR imw tiotpoinl "fi imimvuii 'f--DunJap C. S10 toulta raw ladsf. ImmadUia dtliv Cbsstnul Stmt. Phooa incBi appliances, fans, toasters $ni The Bee Uiv, 15d 172.

jy31dtf I 80 Plymouth 49 Ford Tudor. Plymouth 2-door. 48 Chevrolet Station 47 Crosley 2-door. 41 Ford Tudor Sedan. 40 Pontiac 2-door.

40 Chevrolet 2-door. -i 140 Plymouth 4-door. 39 Plymouth" 49 Chevrolet Ton SWH. 47 Chevrolet i Ton Pickup. 45 Chevrolet Ton Pickup," BROWN CHEVROLET acksorr Coun ty's" Largest New and Used Car Dealers Tipton St Outer Phone 118 or 1188 Phone 287 Seymour Brownstown aprl8dtf 34 FOR SALE AGRICULTURE MILK COOLERS Are, you in need of a Milk Cooler? Stop in Joday and see the.

Rite Way cooler. The only milk cooler of its design on the market today at a very reasonable price. PARDIECK'S SALES SERVICE 708 W. Tipton Phone 911 a22dtf FOR SALE Registered Hamp- smre spring ooar and eligible gilts. Double hnmuned.

Clarence Pardieck, Route 1. FOR SALE Tomatoes and white sweet rn. Reasonable. Phone 224-Y. bish ALL QUALlf IES Lcsnedeza and red top- nay.

Some mixed Nice bales. $10.00 to $14.00 per ton at Freeman Field, Seymour. Phone W. H. Carter, Sellersburg.

36-R1, after (p.m. aiRd OOushelrlsof lumber. Miller's Orchard, 3 miles northwest or Freetown. al3 wed rftf TOR SALE Grapes, bring bas- ket. second house on right, east neoainexon senooi mm George Foist' al8d FOR SALE Frrers dressed aH also on foot Kaln'a Poultry Market 831 East Tipton.

Phone 1392-Y. ma7dtf FOR SALE Nice tomatoes for canning, $1.00: per Cart a 1 8d FOR SALE Superphosphate ind fertilizer in bags or spread. Collin Lewis. Haydetu, Phone North Vernon 4046. Jvl2dM FOR SALE FryllrsTdreased rof ton 723 Hustcdl St Phone I097-L.

fti7rt FOR SALE Chester While boar 1V miles east Trading Post. Jacob Foster. affld FOR SALE Fourteen nonth old Holstein bull, also fresh Holsteih cow. Ervin Wienhorst 2V4 miles southwest Dudleytown. PEACHES ARE SCARCE If you want peaches for canning get them at once.

We can furnish Elbertas and mies the next few 7 GRAY'S 1 1 A I'A ET Five miles West on Highway. 50 i8d FINE canning tomatoes, 75c a bushel. Plck-them-yourself-in own baskeU. Herman ISwengel, Reddington. Call 2237.

I v-- HOHOCtHrZED milk geflon iuos. 15c' ButlarmUk In oallon jugs, 45c. Skim milk at plant. Gallon. 20c Newby Dairy.

IIS S. Cbaataat St. marl ad tf SALii Tfimfltrle. tnr -rv jning. Greenhouse, a l8d CANNING PMches.

Elbwlas ,1. Sl-Rll Grocwy. 33 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS- BETTER START collecting your school supplies today. Complete line at The Bee Hive. SEE OUR Window display of beautiful new dressed dolls.

The Bee Hive. al8d JTS DANDY, keep a gallon handy, Foam that for cleaning upholstery.l. Baldwin's Prug Store. AlSd i IICDIANAPOLIS UVESTOCK By AvncUlcd Pma. 15 4lahle krw fV id An.n FOR SALE co*cker Spaniel pups, registered, $10 each.

Phone Brownstown 305. 1 al6d FOR SALE 5-H-PHM-n outboard motor, $75. Call 601-Y2 after 4:30. al6d RECORDS all late hits now in stock. ALBUMS, complete stock, all 10 and 12 inch records at Vs price.

This week only. Vans. GUITARS, all leading makes. Also nne aecorcuons. vans.

FOR SALE Boy's tan suit, size ih. Excellent condition. 729 E. 5th St. FINAL v.

CLEARAN'CE SALE I All Summer Dresses PRIGlv BETTYE'S TREASURE CHEST 405 N. Walnut al6d FOR SALE Sweaters, dresses and coats. 1017 South Walnut. t4? SLIGHTLY USED Airco cutting torcn ana lips. Ootdea Tip Station, Ewing.

Infl. alSd DONT give away that old range, gas or electric, see us for our high dollar allowance for it on a new Gibson Electric Range. Seymour Hardware 216 So. Chestnut 15(f TOR SALE 1950 Pacemaker house trailer. Slightly used.

Will sacrifice for immediate sale. Parked at White Oak Inn. DE-STROY The amazing nw Rat Killer with Warfarin, readymlxed, ready-to-use. 1 lb. ske $1.00.

Money-back guaran-tee. Ewing Milling Ca jyl9dtf ICE COLD watermelons. Cold bob. per twnf tu. tors'sT Drive la-Market 1 305 -E.

ie29dtf BAND lnstrumenta' and accordions. Rental trial period at no extra cost Frank BoUnger. Phone 1348 slSdtf Precision MacJe-r-Waterproof Ui L.UIN G-B LXCKS The best Cemen Blocksf or every building need. "FSONS; Building Materials St Supplies Your 1 Stop Building Service 4th St Mill Phone 957 8th St Pershing Phone 197 d27dtf BUY your Hearing Aid Batteries from your local dealer, Tie-meier's Jewelry Store. Most all makes carried In stock.

a2dtf FOR SALE Pure comb honey, $1 JiframeJWhitmeriI17West Special this Week. witting: house -roaster ovina, ragular price $39.15. Social price $29.85. Art Heiwig, Bcfrigeralion Sales It Sarriee. Ill South Carter St Phona 1219.

alld Lee Powell aSOff 40 PUBUC SALES PUBUC AUCTION I am selling my dairy herd and other personal property, on LeRoy Miller iarm. located about 3 miles southeast of Seymour, on Thursday, August 16thr starting at I o'clock. Consists of 26 head dairy "cattle; also tools and machinery. G. Ray alJd 41 PERSONAL MAKE USE of our jeasy-to-use Lay-Away plan" today, The Bee Hive.

Whv Paw RentT You can own a Gunnison Cham pion Home if you have your lot and ere earning $40.00 to $45.00 per week. For complete information call Dunlap St Co. phone 227. 42 BUSINESS SERVICES HAULING With small truck. Call 1049-L, after 4.

Lee Powell. SPECIAL $1.00 each. Werskey's Pure Oil Corner, 322 South Walnut Phone 547-K. alSHtf JEEP TRENCHING Ben Law- son. 1712 Pearl Street, Columbus Indiana, phone 7570.

s2d Cold Waves. $5.00: Machine Machinelesa, 4100. Mary Louise Beauty Shop. 120V4 W. tad.

Phone 164-X. g2w erately active, steady: later slow. I WANT tBabS-tttnZday-r xteadyt weak spm. sales 25 knk, bulk Ibi" 23 00-23 222 ibir 23 35; load "mid "1 trate 23 dAwti; 249-- 28a'l'b; 22.00-22.75;" 280-35S" IbaT 1 lbs. 21 M- 2300; 120-160 lbs.

18 sows fairry active, steady: 325-500 lbs. 18.00-19.75; lighta up to 20.50;-500 lbs. up 17.00-17.75. Salable cattle 500; calves 400: a steers and yearlings fairly active, steady; steers lbs. i yearlings 36.00-37 .50 bulk commercial and cood 30.00- 33.50; good and choice heifers cows steady to strong; i commercial and good bulk utility and commercial 22.50 Ua4eanners ndcuttcxslL5Q a I new.

See Roy Ross, Scipio, Ind. al6d FOR SALE 1938 Buic. series-40. Benjamin Tiemeier, 164 S. Park Drive.

aloki RECAPPING NewMcnicTttEqttipment. EBHART AUTO SUPPLY Inc 309 S. Chestnut St Phone 1190 fSdtf FORD tweking costs less because Ford trucks last longer. Charles Jackson County Mot-. or -office Phone Home 1083-Y.

mart2dtf 18- MONTHS TO. PAY Without Any Increase Iii Prices! See the NEW 1951 Plymouth Convertible and the NEW DeSoto Club Coupe on dls- play now. .1 50 Plymouth Suburban. 'Heater. 48 DeSoto 4-dooc.

42 Oldsmobile Club Coupe. 37 Dodge 4-doori Encme com pletely overhauled. RUDDICKS GARAGE DeSoto St Flymouth 615 W. Tipton Phone 273 Tnratr AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE All of our used trailers and some new ones must be sold. The $150,000.00 stock of trailers must be' reduced 40.

Check these bargains. New 1951 36 foot seven sleeper, aluminum, tandem, with shower and toilet $4275.00. New1951-2Lfoot aluminum deluxe for only $1995. 1947 25 foot with new paint job only $1150. Seven used trailers your choice) fflQfi.OO and mini nn new rused trailer? priced tseir tratete i-icase ioox at tna trailers in your territory get the prices; then come to Balrd Trailer Sales-main lot at Salem, Indiana, Phone 82 or the Exclusive Spar tan Dealership for Louisville and art ini i or area turn A(1na WW SSItlV- julii fcf phone Pleasure Ridge -Up to 5 yeara to pay with Interest as low as 5 with VI down We have 16 new trailers of one make which we believe is the best trailer being built today, Open regularly 9-to 9 but by ap pointment any time.

Our driv rets and trucks are ready to make immediate delivery anv time nr See Balrd Trailer KaW you'll save a31j 1 al 1 FOR SALE-AGRICULTURE STOPin at Shady Grove Fruii market for Elberta freestone canning peaches, $3.00 per -bush-i el East on U. S. Highway 50, Geo. Blevini. Bi8d FOR SALE Youna Terer with calfj by tide.

Phone- Victor Klostermaa, 10 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WANTED Ja nitor work or. dish-5 RidReview. a 1 6d WANTED Custom plowing, discing and mowing. Edward Heide-man, 820 South Lynn. Phone 217-W.

al5d 11 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE tEwiNvi, altering, sup covers, curtains stretched. 621 Noble Street Phone 1048-V, JSOdtf 12 WANTED TO RENT CITY PROPERTY WANTED TO RENT By Scptem-ber first, 4 or 5 room modern house. Responsible party. One hild eight. Bruce Beem, Phone alSd 13 WANTED TO RENT ROOMS, APTS.

Wanted to rln't 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment or small house, by school and wife. Write Box 29, Tribune. Bifid 14A WANTED REAL ESTATE XlST your Real Estate City property. Farms' nrf See Andrew Phone 291-X or mav4dtf WANT TO SELL your f. call Surfaea.

Eaeh MUnz given personal attention. Phone 877. flfidtf IS WANTED AGRICULTURE and kay. James B. Mirjde, 1203' Ewln.

-phone 4IM-W vmn swag 2 Ftrmr.r- John-ft B.ll Emlly. Phon 303n-X. i6dtf 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAITED Man5 Useo bicycled vaii poo Meinwedel. 2I3-X. al5d WANTED Home for mother cat and three ic -kittenr-CalM bT Symotir Animal Hospital 19- FOR RENT SUBURBAN PROPERTY Fl)3 RENT-beautiWly iurn-H ished 10 room home, newly dec-crated outside and Inside Arranged for 2 coupes.

Two private entrances. house on rizbt, east of Reddington IchooL Uia. 184 23.00; vealcrs active, steady at 33.50-370. Salable sheep 1.000; fat lambs strong, at cull and utility light weight 26.00-30.00; slaughter ewes 140 lbs. down 11.50-1400; heavier.

10.00-12.00. CINCINNATI PRODUCE Cincinnati, Aug. 15 UV-Eggt, eases Included, U. S. consumer graded.

A large 60-674; A medium 57-59V4; wholesale Erades. ex tras large 53-58; current receipts 38-45. Poultry, broilers and fryers, commercially-g rr 33 broiler and fryers, farm run 27-31; heavy hens 24-26; light 21-22; old roosters 1718. INDIAN APOUS GRAIN Indianapolis. Aug.

15 ur-Tha following bids were made Tuesday by the locar mills for-grait delivered by truck: No. 2 red wheat No. 2 new white corn, No. yellow corn. ii.oo, white oate, 76c; No.

2 old soybeans, $2:76.. Re-Exports Banned Singapore- The Singapore, government has banned the re-export of textiles to the British crown colony of Hongkong. The acUon was taken to halt e. tiyities of some wha hd imported large nwmtrties-pf lexiues some of which had coma from- Hongkong i shipped them back to that colony because of a much hicher-oriced market Singapore authorities also wan- to be In; a position to maintain textiles re-export trade with Indonesia and neighbouring terri tories. This business runs Into BUIUonj Qt dollars anauall.

I rniiTr-Of room and utility modern, gas heat, built-in cabinets. New house built in 1951, low price for Quick sale. Immediate possession. J. Edwin Fettitf al7rf 1 I Li i i I ROOMS Semi-Modern; god loH cation, northeast.

8 Room hons and grocery store on same lot. RMltor. Phone 291-X or 341-W rr a V..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.