The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)





4-4931 BAYING RADIATOR TBOUBLBf faUsy Mote Co. sxperu wtu eolvo yoeur gwoo- lesae and save you money pros sen mate, epoedy carries. Ccmte A Lib erty TRUCKS 1946 CHEV. TRUCK Flatbed, food condition, tires. $850 TERMS Ph.

days 3-4041, Eves. 3-0528 dia JJfiS PORD aid Chevrolet trncki. with lob. call s-Tlll. FINANCIAL REAL ESTATE LOANS Op to 20 yrs.

AmortUatlo. Quick Service Minimum Chargag Calvin V. Kent Mortgage Loans Ho. Church Phon. 4-tl BIX C8 FOR FARM.

CITY OR ACRBAOB LO.NB- BES1 OP TERM. WE BOY Beat MUta raorttacee 4, eoctracte State Finance Co. in So Hub St PS, t-4111 rill' U. S-133 and M-331 sad ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Sear -Top Trades" Dally USUI 1390 Ba.

OENERAL PINANCB CO. LOANS IM So Commercial St Tel. 14111 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill South Chunk Parking a-Plantr Ph. 1-3487 Ua No.

M-1H. S-IM LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Purnlture, Car AT PERSONAL Ita Myes promptly employed men ar women. 1-vlalt loan phone ftraft. You aelect best payment data. 9 Between payday loans.

Phone write or come la TOOAT1 Personal Finance Co. 105 S. HIOH SALEM State License Nog. 8-122. lS-lM Loans over 1300 up to 11500 and op to 20 months to repay made by Personal Finance Co.

of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act ol Oregon. rill PRIVATE MONET to loan on real estate. Phone 2-0704. T1I2 STATE FINANCE CO. S-311 M-131 FIVE loan services to till your seed for money quickly 1 Auto loani.

1 Signature loam. 1 Furniture loani. 4 Consolidation loani. -I Payment-reducing loani. Don't wait Come in today! Phona 14131 117 So.

Blih St. rlM1 TRAILERS lt-FOOT TRAILER for hauling, with tarp. See 3085 Larion avenue. HOUSE TRAILERS FACTORY BUILT trailer. aluminum tear-drop 3010 Nebruka, Apt.

talis camping No. 1. 1940 ELCAB trailer. Hot water, refrigerator, toilet, ahower, clean. 1114 State street.

tall! TRAILER HOUSE cheap. IMS N. Capitol. tall! AUTOMOBILES 1946 FORDOR WASH "600" Series. excellent paint.

Here's a real sharp buy and we sharpened our pencils to give you thi. low price. MAN? OTHER POST-WAR CARS TO CHOOSE PROM OPEN "VENINOS STAR MOTORS N. Com'l Union Ph. 3-6303 WHEN BETTER USED CARS AND TRUCKS ARE SOLD, STAR WILL SELL THEM nil: FORD I St.

lion Wagon. 33,000 mllea. good oondltion. Original owner leaving. 11393 lor quick eale.

Oliver. RlckreaU. Phone 1-717 Dallas. FOR SALE OT trade II foot trailer house, one ton 4 wheel drive pickup, 1941 Mercury. 1140 Cher, 1041 Pontine 1953 Studebakec pickup.

1353 Hoyt. 1S2- 4-DOOB 10U Chev. Master DcLui, Sedan. Actual mlleaga, 11,410. Seat covers, radio, perlect condtloa.

Phone 1-4895. .113 PLYMOUTH special deluae 4 door edaa. Radio, heater, aeat eovera, original finish. White Uree. Only 1191 1300 down.

Trade and terma. Weitcra Motors, 1311 Broadway, Phona 10833. 194: budson sedan A-l. radio, heater, overdrive. 1301.

Terma. I-M14. alll To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 TBiawuau sisiURFAST seL A terrific buy al only 838.8ft wssu rvMllUM tJAKT 170 B. Liberty pbons 4-S371 rerme 01 couras. Bigi LtJOGAOK TmAJLER, A-l.

3O0. Oleon Woodry. 1808 H. Bummer. a 111 LAWNMOWER 4.8s.

Oleao Woodry' s. Bill CTJT GLADS, or gals. Call after 4 0 pm. 11. ises Baginaw.

aUl' SXECTRIC CABINET sewlnsv Round bobbins and regular set of aU Mcneuut. uniy tunger Btwtns tmw n. om mere iL Bill' BUNK BED. Can't ten It from new aw.viv iirtuuoes apring.

TJBRTJ PURNTTVRB MART ITS S. Islberty Phona 4W83T1 Terma 01 course. ral81 aTPlXriAL BALI OH RRPRIORRATORB Reg, Special PrUldalre no 88 10 05 lsvw Refer tin ag es Prlgrdslro Refer. toes 40ift Refer Leonard 40 08 22.00 Cold pot Refer 60.00 85.00 New O. I.

6 cu. ft. 208 Oft 170 08 Cope lend Refer 08.00 70.00 Midwest Refer 1410ft 120.08 AU In Very Good Working Order USED MKRCHANDISB MART 27f Liberty Phone 4-6271 Term of Course TTJRQUOIAE davenos, 245; green deven- pon. ja. uooo condition.

Phone 2-2538. 530 N. 14th. B1S1 NICE 2 room furnlehed apartment. 820.

U7J n. eta street. Phone 4-3660. Jpl83 SPECIAL, electrlo portable aewlng ma- cnine. nourKi ooooin.

A-l condition and guaranteed. Only 840 60. Singer Sewing Machine, 130 N. Commercial. nUl BRAND NEW RamUton Beach Mlaer.

Reg. 133.91. Special 139.15. USED MERCHANDISE MART 171 8. Llbertr Phon.

4-S3T1 Terma of eourae. nlll TTB HAVE nlca auortment of Bab. n.j r.ii., n. USED MERCHANDISE MART Vt a. Uoerm St.

Phone 4-I3T1 nlll SIVOEB featherweight portable, like new. for the unpaid balance. Singer Sewing Canter, 120 N. Commercial. nl81 BADIO-PHONO TABLE Model Combination, nice value at 28.00.

Small Console radio, OB. 20.00. These are good. wieaa wooary a ieoo ji. summer.

Dill FOB SALE Locker cartons, 1 cent each, 800 for 84.00; also wax paper tl.00 a roll. No dealers. UNITED OROW- sks, 4718 Liberty Road. nlOO MISSION GAS Water Heater 20.50. Wood- yy, 1000 N.

Bummer. nl21 COMB. RECORD PLATER radio 60 recoras, silverware (24-piece), camera wnn pnoioussn. extension ladder, electrlo Bander, saw, eurtaln stretcher, mirror and lots of elee. roaster-ette.

see at 212 No. Commercial, Apt. ni82 LARGE KENMORE electric range, auto- meuc ooniroi. gut; coidspot refrigerator, 015, very good condition, awing rocker 110. 2555 Brooks between 10 a.m.

to 2 p.m. any day. nl81 CHEMICAL TOILET 10.00. Woodry. DINING ROOM SET, bed spring and mattress.

Call evenings, 2-0022. nl82" COMPLETE used sawdust furnace with controls. bb7 n. sznd Bt. Phone 8-IBS7.

nl81 NEW CHAIRS 3.S Olenn Woodry. nl8I- NEW BOX Springs, Irmeriprlng Hattres- ea (pair) just 40.00. Olenn Woodry 1005 N. Bummer. Terms, Trades, nlll' C8EO KELVINATOR refrigerator.

133. Brass bed. springs and mattress, 130. 1345 N. 10th.

nl83 PURNTSHED basem*nt 2 room, utilities. private oa.n. eao e. aoin. Jpl02 NOROE refTlgerator, good shape, 140.

ouoa uennia fll. 0182- TWIN SIZE Coll Bed Springs 2.05. Wood ry, moo n. summer. nlll" ORIENTAL RUGS Three I' 11' Oriental Imported ruga.

Five 3' I'. All brand new. Big aavlngl Phone 1-4343. nIM SNOOK SEZ With chailn' dollara, an them ao hard to ketch aqeece 'em till they holler, an' apend 'em where they atretch elect, drill kit, never u.o, i. vaiua, only

g-mm. znovl. prolector At acreen, 114.93. Cheat, of drawera from 14.91. Corner cupboard.

113 30. Mailc Seal preuure cooker, 111. Pishing waders. 110. like new.

119 M. Table model radio-phono, llt.s,. Hdwd. dinette, 134.03. Power lawn mower.

179.00. Boiler akatra. 11 so, Daveno, 137.10. Airway vacuum cleaner, 114.10. Baby buggy, 17.00.

Stroller, ,4.00. Travel Iron. S. Elect, fan, Waahlng 114 95. I I en.

ft. 104.00. Wood rangei, II up. Child's desk and chair, 113.10. Boy'a bike.

111 SO. Dlshei. toola Si mlae. It', all bad the doUar-tretcher treatment. SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER 115 Broadway Phona 41710 nlll" HARDWOOD PLAYPEN, needs some fix ing.

oienn woodry, 1605 N. Bummer, msi Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phone 2-SMO. WANTED Trash Burner ft small gas motor. Burnett L.

Cole, Bos 402. Mill City. Ore. Logs Wanted! Top truck acale prices paid for iec ond growth fir. Check our new prlcee.

Ph Salem 4-3311 Days. 4-1714 Ev. WKST SALEM LUMBER CO. 1160 Wallace Salem Mill ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodrr'a.

Ph. aa 3-1110. WANTED: DOUGLAS Fir, Cedar. Hem lock Polea and Loci. Nledermerer.

Martin Ill Portland Trust Bldg. Portland 4, Ore. naiu WANTED: AMERICAN Flyer 11, acale. track, ewltchoo and equipment. Call 1-7553.

nalll PERSONAL BUSTY Am alone. Everything settled. Plcea. writ, me 1041. Central or call 4,13 Cooa Bay collect.

Love Edna, pill I'LL NOT BE responsible for any bills other than my own. Mrs. Buelah Albert. P.IJ MBS. JEAN, piychlo reader, telle your past, present, future.

Can help overcome obstacles that keep you from aucecAe, health, napplncsa. TIP Top Mote'. JM0 So. Commercial, Hr tie Apt. 7, 9-1.

pill JOE PALOOKA ,1 1 a tUILDtNG MATRRIALI LUMBER FOR StrslEht. HI J-liL lumoer. II, Klhul rtont 1-HH3. B.iy SALE Halls, carload eratepty Camp Adair wed windows 15.00 Un painted cedar ehakas gioo Hew 4x8 pUstor board 40 Vw" Mabogajiy pJrwood 30c Minovasr piywood uc Colored bath seta, complete. Toilets, wash baalBa, kltoibsm sink.

waUr heater CHXAP wu pips 4" eolld eranae-borg pips sac New bath tubs, complete iftf.M 800 gL steel geptie tanks set.M Metal garage doors, complete. .145.00 iraierprooi will oearaa. 4l8 ....61.70 New Grade-A screea doors ...86.01. ew nr door iambs 2 ao rirwooa, ainos CHEAP Weatberstrlpped windows 14.30 Picture windows, eash Loom Insulation, per bat 11-00 no. 1 ceoar an in lea if 35 No.

2 cedar shine le 85. 00 Corns, roofing, first grade $8-88 C. G. LONG SONS Ph. 4-5001 Ong mile N.

sf Kelaer ma1 Knotty Pine Paneling 1130 00, shelving 131 50. ma- noganr rwooa eia ni it. it'a i Pir plywood low a Ic, 4 I3c. Plywood for any Job cut to your slse. Hardboard 1.7ft, wallboard 1.40.

aldinga 150.50 up. Flooring priced right. Cedar ror icnce weave is. 00 to 25.00 m. Very attractlvel Screens and acreen door, roofing, cedar ahlnglea, oak figs, everything for your Job, Free delivery and estimating service.

No down payment 30 monto to pay. Pine list of carpenters to recommend. Come la and visit! Portland Rd. Lbr. Yard OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY 240 Portland Rd.

Ph. 4-4433 ma" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED WASHINQ MACHINES, and np. Taater appiuum. ccs. bt, Che-meketa.

Ph. 1-4311. n' EM ALLOWED tor your old water heater. reiaraiaii or condition or BaJta, on new Weetlnthoueo aotomatle electric water heater with 10-reer guarantee. Teaur Appliance ITS Ph.

1-4111. PACKARD BELL chan-ild. ladle, like saw. special thli week 139 SI USED PuRNITURB MART 171 S. Lloortr Phon.

4-1371 Terma of eourae. mil USED RiraiOEBAIOBS, I4I.M and up. Teater Appuanc. 37, Ph. 3-4311.

D- DECPPBBBZB home freeMra. Teater Appllane. Co 17, Ohemeket. Ph. 1-4311.

METAL TWIN BED onll Il.ll USED FTJRNrniRE MART 170 S. Libert? Phone 4-1171 Bill' MeCULLOCB CHAIN SAWS, SOS Bdn- water. Weit Salem- Salem Locilns Bud- olr. Ph. 4-1141.

USED ELECTRIC RANGES. 113 9, and up. Yaater Appllane. Co, ,71 Che-meketa Ph. 1-4311.

n' PLASTI-KOTB requlree no wailnt. For vour floor, or linoleum. Teater Appliance Co. 171 Chemekett. Ph.

3-4311. DROP LEAP Chroma table. (Duncan Phrftel. ape. Il.ll.

Olenn Woodrr'a. 1801 N. Bummer. nlll TALL GRASS and weede nre fire hat ard. If you are sulltr better set buir.

Rent a power ilckle bar tnower at Bnook'i. 1385 Broadwar. nils TOP SOIL River gilt and fill Urt Prompt de livery, rnone 2-1741. NEEDED Old sewing machines. Up to bto or more lor your od sewing ma chine on a nsw free Weetlnghouae eewinr machine with a 10-year guar antes.

Teater Appliance. 271 Chemk eta. Ph. 1-4! u. Reduced $3 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD One Office Desk with Glass Top and Chair STARTINO PRICI JULY 33RD 7 AUG.

1st $57.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT Si COURT ST. PH. 39111 "Wa Olva Ones atampa" FE HAVE A large eelactlon of uied mattreaaei. AU fumigated rcadp to go. Aa low aa ,4.90 USED FURNITURE MART 170 a.

LtoertF Phona 4-1371 nine HOSPITAL BED for aal. or rent, a stiff Furniture Co. Phon. 3-919. ADDINO MACHINE, 35 00; offlea deikl.

au pricaa. LMenn woodrr. 100, Summer. SERVEL OAS Refrigerator 19. SO.

Olenn woodrra, 1,0, N. Summer. nltl QUART FRUIT Jan lor Phone 4-3074. USED HOT Point Electrlo Ironer In good condition ,10. Palace Theatre, SUverton.

nlll SPEED Record Player, 19.90. Like new. woodry. ISO! M. Summer.

Alio Table Radloa 10.00 up. SPECIAL New Singer electric, walnut cabinet, icwlng machine. Round bobbin, lewe forward and reverie. Pre, aewlng Inaona. Only ,1,3.10.

Singer Sewing center. 130 N. Commerclil. XII LINOLEUM Ruu t.K. Olenn wood- rr.

loo, h. summer. nlll' FURNITURE almoit new. Chrome aet. wing rocaer, gxiz rug, refrigerator, twin beda.

etc. Priced to aall. 3030 rornano ltd. mu GARDEN TRACTOR and all attach- menia. ai.

Terma. Phon. 1-U53 1331 bo. 3ttn. SEWING MACHINES 10.00.

Wd" pdrr. nine NEW SPC. Br. Bet. Reg. eloaeout price to you so. USED PURNITURB MART Our no s. Libert? pnone 4-SJ7I Termi of couree. ANTIQUE PITCHER and Bowl.

Terr cnoic. uiena woodrr'a, ISO, N. summer. nlll WELL CARED tor Kroehler davenport anq cnair. ,7..

Phone 3-I73S. nlll1 WANT A New l-x. Blonde Dining Set that sella anywhere elia for ,431.01 lor oniy U99.9S. com. In and ae, ua.

ubku it Kg MART 170 S. Liberty Phone 4-4371 irrmi ot courie. Bill NEW WHEELBARROW II M. Woodry. Bill S-PIECE DINETTE aet; 17-lach Zenith iy; cneap.

rnone nl SPEED Dt'EEN waahlng machine, entail er ma no pump. yeara old. ueed only It Very good condition. 130. 1-1331.

Ralph Wyckotf. am SPECIAL CMM Cloioout Sale of USED Waahere AU Waahera la Oood Work- in. uraer: Rer. Special Thof Fair apnn .19 91 Dry 9191 49M 9 01 Fill III. 19 0.

4,91 179, I II 00 4101 19 14 9, Zenith P.enith O. E. Ther Automatic. Maytag Beacon Weallnihouie Thor Automatl. Ktnmor.

Eaar Spin Weter. Beacon Eenlth Kenmaro Thor McDonald A-E-C ...19 91 91 ...79 9, .49 II ,..1100 ,..39 9, ...49 ..09 It 3M 19 00 19 1 39 19 ..19 9, 13 9, ,.39.9 ,.31 19 19 9, II Eaay II 99 USED 3IF.RCHAND1AF MART FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION PROVED SIRES Xt'l aefe, ecavaatcnt, M' eatomlcal, dlseaae frM. we will service thi pamtly cow ob largest dairy btro ONLY $8 Of. ibirt for repeat Mrvleal CALL COLLECT WOODPURN 4191 OR ALBANY 2486 WARREN'S PROVED SIRE SERVICE Free every auction Prizei Scotty's Auction House 4840 Center Salem Sat. Aug.

1-10 a.m. 7 p.m. ANTIQUES I ANTIQUES I YES, ITS HERE AOAIrl. BRING KM IK-BIO PRICES TO TOU, HOW IN BEAU- tuvl Mahecur 4ruMt, bed n4 ehtit Buffet, Minmode, table Lamp, of all kindi Bilftr antique butttr holder AntlQuo cuehlon chair and many Miae. Jteme loo Bumtroua to mention, Juit coma.

art. and enjoy rouraelf. Antlqiiee. Tea. we hava menr nme thtnia from Franca, Oarmanr and Xni land comae bona china dlatiea and tea eeta.

Arneler Paraion Quality, coronation aouranira. Donf mica then. If you have anjrthinf you want turned Into ready cub, oma and brlni them latent; wa have many buyeri from all part ox IhU country. Flu home full of furniture. Leon ard ft.

rafrlr. 7-pe. dining aet; pc. brkfai. aet; A.

B. Apt. Ranie, chalra, table, mattreiae. aprlnea, waahara, fruit, vagetabiaa, potatoea. miae.

toola. white out Ida paint fi.M per thinner T9o al. Raw lin- eeed oil BO par sal. Buy sowl LIVESTOCK f) At m. Cow, fat reaJi.

fee-dare, baby calvaa, weaner plf. feeder. 4 fat hot, chicken, rabbit fc fryer. Make flat, your aal day) AUCTIONEERS Col. Ernest E.

Scott Col. Jim R. Vaughn PHONE 46433 ddlll! PETS BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM IBS! McCoy, on. block aut .1 N. C.pltol.

IV. block, north of Mxluon. Ph. J-OWI. waoo CHAMPION BRED BOXER pupplu, n-rr Pup potentltl ohtmploo.

Uoor. TropleAl Ptih. PAr.k.u, Turtlu, lup-pllti. 1 nllca from Loncuttr on Maclor roM. 4-1711.

Clced tl. SIAMESE KITTENS Reflitnwl, rnuon. able. Phon. 44118.

MlBl SHORT-HAIRED KITTENS Rl. Boi 303. Bouth on IQB to Th.itr, turn ritht. oclSl BEAUTIFUL WEIMARANFBI PUPPIES Your cholc 1100. 101.

Xr.rlrern svenu. clS4 OR SALE Collie pupa. Trl -color, regla-tered. Phone Salem 50P3. eclSS FUEL August Special Planer nidi sreeo or dry S-cord kid.

111. Out of taws dellrerlu. VSR SALEM PUB. CO. Hit Bdiewater.

Ph. 3-4011 mIOI Baku ptCKIb IS" alabwood, lit. Phon. Andmoo, l-77L 4-4JSI. POR SALE POULTRY WR ARB hatching New Hampahlre Oold-a Broad and Arbor Acres White Rook, veTy week.

Special prleaa to year round fryer growers, Pox'e Hatchery, 2110 mate Bt. Phone 2-4860. bRESSED FRYERS. Ph. 4-1244 fin VRN1SH OAMK CHICKS, acclaimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now available.

Commercial fryer growers find tht dominant Oernlsh White Rock Croaa produce tat ending frrera with firm white auooulent meat, proeeaaora pay premium price for this broad double-breasted fryer. Quantities limited and If unavailable, try the neat best, our first generation Arbor Acre White Rocks. Year-round ha tehee every Thursday. Also. New Hampshire.

LEE'S HATCHERY 111 enter Street Ph. l-llll lll PRODUCE CANNING APRICOTS, direct from Ya kima, Choice cot thru action. Crop abort so don't wait. Also raspberries, bovaen, logan and youngs now in aeaaon. Trar.iparent apple, peaches moon, we wiu nav everything aa comes on direct iron, farm to von.

PhilllD Broa. Perm Market, ftSOO PorU land Rd. Phone 2-4112. If koNTMORKNCT pie cherries delivered Ito pound. J.

W. Hanna. Phon 2-1077 ifiag' u-FKK red raapbmle. lbo pound. i mile north of Xelaer achool on Clear Lake Road.

fflll iTEW CROPS, white roe potatoea, 20 lb. c. Green Apple Market. 1 mllea norm on ffist1 BOTSENftERRimO-plck. ISc Bound Alan Wleaner, I mtleo north of Central Howell.

tun TILTON APRICOTS Another load, this time from Yakima. WKW A FPU MARKET mllea north en buhway HK. tt 1 82 CANNING and freeslna carrota. Phone noon or evenings. 2-3307.

tUT C-FIOK Willamette raapbemes. mile norm tiear s.aae acnooi, k. Dunn Kan 4-ll- Hill BAI.RD ALT A FESCIK hay, green and leafy, cieeiienl horse har, 114 per ton neio. box 21. Phone 2-0047.

fn3' HELF WANTED a riiKEKS register now. H. L. Fearer, Rt, 3, Box 100. Phone Mill, gl82 BRAN PICKaRS, attention.

Will atart picking about August 15. Peflart and aii pnone e-ioit, or siivertoa 8-4751 8181 BRAN PICKERS Pick where the pick" me wooq. pec ii nonua to drive-In Regiiter now. w. R.

Coliett. Follow ten out norm niver Road paat Rei ser. Start about August 5th. gilg STARTING TO ptrk beans Monday, Aug. 3rd.

ciarenre Herr, Rt. 3. Box lag SUverton. Phone Salem 3120T or SUverton 34611. em NOTICE: ReeUtered bean picker.

Klen-fhe'a Bean Yard's wilt start picking Wed, Ausmt tth, 7:00 a.m. gl Sean ney, 1380 Harmony 1L mile north wass or Keiser. Phone 4-3173. IWateh paper for atartlng date) gisg Fran ph krrs'wantrd-i4 and TrarupoTietlon furnished. Call Platoon aara.

comer. 3-III7. gilt 8 I I FOR TWO BUILDINGS la Hollywood. Could bo uad oca. Door between; appro.

baattly 1.000 (i IM aaootb, etch aide. Call aUwliat bUaily. IcMe, aw 4-171. jo" FOR RENT APARTMENTS I-BED ROOM furnUbed duplai Kent. Adult.

Phone I-UO0. apart- JplM' FURNISHED DUPLEX apartment. Elec tric ranee, recently redecorated. blorka from downtown, lift. 40 N.

Commercial. Set Mar. ot p.av.-l pm, jplll1 ROOM furnlahad apartment. Private bath, uttiitiea paJtL. rnone i-oa4.

jpllt ATTRACTIVE room apartment. Elec tric ranee and refrigerator. Private bath, knotty pine interior, wall wall carpet. South, Pbon I-71J JP1H' I -ROOM furnished apartment. Nice and clean, utUltiee.

Cioea in. sw Marlon. JpIIJ' I-ROOM PT'RNIHHED, private bath. large cloaeta. electric range re frig erator, laundry fee ill tie, all utllltlee, eta.

Alio lignt nouaeieeping room Adulte only. ft. Capitol, phone 2-6241. Jplll MODERN UNFURNISHED 4room, I bed room apartment. 1140 So.

13th. JplH NICELY FURNISHED apartment; baasador Apt ibO no Hummer FURNISHED LARGE room, and bath, clean. Phone e-lSM. J-IMJ. JplU' LARGE.

CLEAN, modern. 1 and room apartmente. partly furnlehed. Arallable now. 10H Zdiewaur, Weet Salem.

JplCO' 4 ROOM modern, electric ranee, refrlier. ator. Water, heat furnlehed. $50. also B.

com'L aiur p.m. rnoo. 4U83. Jplll SEVERAL furnlehed location. Inquire Pbona 2-in.

apartment, good fttlff Furniture DESIRABLE MODERN 2-room and bath, uo furnlehed apartment. Hot water heat, modern garage. 133. Ph. S-2412.

Jplll FURNISHED court apartment, 2 room and garage, newly decorated, cloac In on North Commercial. Phong 2-I64S or I-M44. jplll NEWLT PAINTED 1 bedroom unfurn. lahed front court apartment. Inquire ieoe bo.

latn. Jplsi CLOSE IN. Nice modern urn lahed 3 room apartment. Aduita, Phone 2I4W. ipisa COOL 2 RM.

Surn. automatlo heat. convenience, reasonable; 1 or 2 lad lea; 47ft N. Capitol after 13 noon. JpleJ BNOLEWOOD dlatrict, furnlehed 2 room and bath.

Lot of atorage apaca. 3010 Ncaraaka. jpUJ CLEAN, SMALL. furnUhed apartment. newly carpeted.

Pot employed lady. 250 a. cottage. )pisr HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for lady. TJtU.

jttea pew. block to atatehouee. 232. 1208 Court at. 1-6254 evening.

t-ROOM furnlehed apartment, private bath, heat. Refrigerator. IBI N. High Bt. jpiji t-ROOM apartment, private bath and entrance, clean, cloac in, furnished.

483 B. High. Jpl84 SS N. SUMMER Nice, clean 2 Tooma and bath, furnished. Private entrance.

Very nlca yard. Jpl62 FITRN. 1-3 men. incL, utll. Clean, ciose m.

ei. ea, oeiore i p.m. JpltS CLEAN AND nicely fumlihed 2 room basem*nt apartment. 110 for 1 person. 230 Bo.

14th. JplaV ROOM furnished garage apartment, water and garbage disposal paid. Electric) heat. No drinker. 830.

Call 2-62O0 after 8. Jpl82 FURNISHED apartment, close In, pri vate bath. Phone 4-5572. Jpl82 NKW 2 ROOM, auburban court un- xunmnea, eieciric range, refrigerator. Implored couple.

2-5367. )pll2 ROOM, bath. Upstair, Hollywood die- tnct. gib per month. Phone 4-8253.

Jpl82 LOST FOUND LADY'S WRIST WATCH, near aapltol bulldlnff. Reward. Phone 1-033, aren- LOST eprlnier Spaniel, I month, old, brown and whit. Hllhland dlitrlet. 1-7SU.



SALEM PH. 1-3311 SAND Si ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer and Baaement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Fool Phon. Daya 1-140, BTU. 1-4417 or I-741S Salem. Oregon ta BUILDING MATERIALS Remodel, Repair, Now 6av.

your caih for rainy day Ho down payment, month, is pay Epping Lumber Co. 17(0 SUrerton Rd. Ph. 4113, OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY ma I FT. OF nwer pip.

with I war ya and long y'a, Irrcular y. and floor dralna, 4 and wat.r 13" eonciet, tile. Phone 4-3714. Keith Brown Close-Outs Regular Sale in r-l No. 4 Common an'Plap llt.OOM St! MM Carrier Load lota 30 MM 4i, to 10' Rouih Car Stake 1-0 I 1 1(4 No.

,41 Screen Door 114 4 1 eblr, M-O Ploorlng U4 4-1 VO Ploorlng 1 Shaper ,75, 1 Drill Preu mo 40.00 I Doubl. Compartment BlnU 1 Roll 110 rod) Field Pence ji I Roll! Ill rod roll, I Barbed Wlr ui, Oenetal Utclrlc Pana 31 11 1R 114.00 lit 00 Mil 40. II KM 17.11 I 11 10.11 SOME BATHROOM FIXTURES tc AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES LEFT AT 50 OFF. French Door. 1-0 I I 1, I l-l 14 91 I I 14 4, I I 14.U 017 10 34 10.41 10.49 Hind ti Power T00U Jr.

Plumbing IDD. .1 Oil. 1 to n. No. to Eitemion Ladder (Ill I it.

No. to titration Ladder II 01 11.10 ll-tl. No. KlLnalon Ladderi 1 3011. No.

100 Eilenilon Ladder 11 is.Yt I ll-Il. Stepladdera No. 0 Il. I It-It. Stepladder No.

11.4, KM ALL SALES ON DISCOUNTABLE MERCHANDISE FIN-AT. NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front court Street Phone I 1111 WI OIVE SAH ORXXM STAMPS BRAN and cucumber picture, aUrt about July M. Trailer ipace a reliable. Pboata liver too 14703 or a L. W.

Tbaek- ry. ftt. 1. Boi eVlvartoa, mile eeii or Totem roie. ciai HELP WANTED MALE BARBEB WANTED.

BIckler'A Shop. 1001 Til. Salem. 111 NEW CAB SALESMAN Permanent POSl- tlOn. BMt deal IB Valler.

RtfirtDCU required. Write Bos 111, Capital Journal, gall, HELP WANTE FEMALE TENO. Oeneral office, excellent aal-ary, day, tramporutloa necesiary. Phone Aumavllle 104. tblll WANTED Couple to lit in countir.

PurnUhed I-bedroom bout. Woman to do houaework for rent. Extre pay for baby alt tint. WrlU Boi 271, Capital journal. fbiar LUMBER SECRETARY Permanent poaltloa for hlih typt IrL kluat take ahorthand.

Inrotcloc experience helpful. For appointment, ak for Ellen JJcParLand, pbona 2-4171. tblee- BOOK KElt'E ft be per leneed Excellent worklos condition. Permanent poil loo. Reference required.

Writ Box 177, Capital Journal. 0 IN EXPERIENCED wattreu. Apply Cherry' Plantation. 371ft ft. Cotnl.

yblBa HOUSEKEEPER to live In. board, room and wage. 2 la family. Call 18033 after ft p.m. gblfl3 WANTED SALESMAN ATTENTION: MAN WANTED lor R.w- lel.h buitncu.

Sell to rimlllei. Writ, tod r. Rauiih't Dept. OBO-i-S8. omuoa.

cml. tiill THREE MEN between 30-40 yetrf lor retail bakery routee. Mult have or b. abl. to obtain to ton truck.

Earnlnae from (100 to 1300 week. Oood lu. Iur. Peopl. with rout, or aalee ei perlenc preferable but not eieentlal.

Call Marlon hotel Aik for Mr. Benn. IS1I3' HELP WANTED APPLIANCE SALESMAN wanted who 1 agaretaive and ambl-tioua for future advancement. Muat be capable of aelltng both to tnakle and ou tilde proapecte. Liberal com ttlulon plan.

Apply Mr. Dorle, Mont- gomrry wara, naiem. WANTED POSITIONS BOTOTILLINO UkkUe Orova Nuraery. 4U0 SUverton Rd. Phone 4-4013.

EXPERIENCED baby ilttlnf, by hour or day. No Aunday. 1-1773. hill' TRACTOR WORK Plowing, dliclng. blade work: hay and graaa mowing.

Phone 1-2041, hl3 FAINT IN AND decorating, yearg ci- penenca in saient. rree Mtiiaate. 3-TS5J hlM LIOH- CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level- lng, grading. Phone 2-3320. hlSl PAINTINQ, paper hanging.

Pre eitl- matea. Don Lueero. Ph. 3-DS33. hlBl LANDSCAPING, DESIGNING Pree as- tlmatea.

Guaranteed rexulta. Maintenance work. Phone 2-3976. hlBfl" ROTO-HOEINQ, plowing, dlaclng, lev eling, lawn planting, eervico center. Pbona 4-3573.

hl83 LAWN PLANTING. Weekly care, fence. aprlnklera, ahruba. ftervlea Center. Ph.

4-3673. hl2 RELIABLE BABT SITTER Will go days or nicnia. pnone 2-VH4. h.OO PAINTINO Bruah, ipray. Waterproofing, flatlifae-tlen guaranteed.

L. B. "Heu" Nel-aon. Phone 3-4307, 38243. hl8C CUSTOM HAT or straw baling, twine tla.

O. Strand, phon l-4ttl3. SUverton. hli2 CHILD CARE Englowood DIstTlct, 1000 n. le.n.

jars, nertia ronnion, inn. hl85 EDUCATION GET A GOV'T 30B1 Start high as 1318 month. Men-women, taueiif now i 30.000 Jobe open. PRBTK 34-page book anowa jobe, aaiarias, sample tests. cjulrements.

WRITE: Box 111 Capital Journal. hhiai FOR RENT OPTICS SPACE Inquire at 100 High Phone 2-4114. LA ROR warehouse apace for rent or leas. Cement floors, brick bulling Down town. Inquire B.

1 stiff Fur-nlture On. Phone 2-0185. FOB LEASB 160 to 200 feet frwntaie on Bdgewater BU Weel Salem. Ira Pitts, ph. 38403.

WANTED TO RENT DENTIST needs 3 -bedroom home. Will eonsiaer i-oearoom. Phong 2-8272 and aak for Doctor Srnowskl. laiaa- ARCHITECTURAL graduate with 3 Chtl- ren wanu i or i bedroom houae. Prefer north.

4-4742. WANTED 4 or 4-bedroom unfurnished house, for teacher and family. 4-3251. la 182 WANTED TO rent 3 bedroom unfurn Uh- oa nous. Rererence fdrnlshed.

14381. 1183 OR 8 BEDROOM furnllhed bouse. Du vi- vuwuivBir Bparinieni, in vicinltr of Senior High. Phone 2-2161, FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE ROOM, closo to State pu.tq.ngs. oji w.

winter. lki lilCB SLEEPING and light houaebeeplnk room. Lady. 083 N. Church.

Jkl83 ROOMS for girls. Kitchen privilege, nure nouse. winter. Phone 2-4372 or 2-0460. ktB4 LARGE CLEAN room for 1 or 2.

1555 N. Capitol. FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN, OLDR. 3 -bedroom home, full baeement. aawduit furnace, 60 per month.

Newer 3 -bedroom. 263.50 per month. Located north, auburban. 3-bedroom, northeast. l0 per month Older 3 -bedroom, located very clone in.

sou. new una Realty, 3000 N. Cap- "7 Jm1 O-BKUROOM almost new modern home rur call 38498. Iml63' LPHTAIRS DUPLEX-Clean, very large, -n j(n. eo per monfh, contact new una Realty, ph.

4-1711 BEDROOM home. automaUe heat, full Pone 3-ROOM HOUSE, at Itn M. tth. 17th. Inquire Imlll I-ROOM HOUSE, l.

1131 N. Winter Imlll unmrnlihed houie. Jllndi. hardwood floon. heat' "newn Khool dial oiKir.n welcome.

No pet, caretaker r-none 3-MS3. Imlll l-ROOM furnllhed Qaraie. cii u. rnone 3.3911. imm NICELY decorated, bedroom month.

Inquire Imlll a etoee In. fur- -o- nun. Imlll1 I-BET1ROOM furnlih Phone 4-3311 alter m. Imlll' nrunui.s, rurnuhMl eottaie. Rra.

i.unory, Ineulr. ma Portland Rd. Imlll1 MODERN CLEAN 1 iMdroom houee. Nw moatn including water. Phono 1-3171.

Imlll' ROOM HOI k. oil flr.W,T ouement. Aduiu. 1337 N. 4th.

Jmlll RrDROOM modern houaa In country. rnone alter Jm1l3 ONE FI'RNIansn apartment, one mi. furnKhed houw. Both clean. Phon.

Jmlll MO11F.RN one-bedroom houw, cuburban, ij. laiewood Drlre. Phone Imlll BEDROOM cottaee with garaia, waTiT to-wan earpeti, eittrlc refrigerator, beodli. 130 Caltarlln St 3-3'07. OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FIOOB ar itore ipace for rent.

Call al Pitu Market io I.E4SE September concrete building. 1000 fa.t i Ko4. Phon. S-1114. J.1U $1195 '50 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DE LUXE 6 FORDOR SEDAN.


$1695 PH. J-051S AlTf OMOBILES Anderson's NEW LOCATION Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. Every Car a Bargain MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 1950 Buick Riviera Sedan; loaded $1699 1950 Nash 2-dr; clean 995 1950 Ford 8 sharp, 895 1950 Olds. 88 Club Sedan; loaded 1695 1949 Chev.

Sedan; real nice 895 1948 Ford nice 745 1947 Ford Sedan; sharp 695 1947 Ford Club Coupe; clean 695 1947 Plymouth Club Coupe; clean 695 1946 Chevrolet Aero; nice 693 1949 Studebaker Pickup; nice 695 1947 Pontiac Sedanette; good 595 Several Older Cars from 1940 to 1942 Priced Right IF THESE PRICES DONT SUIT, MAKE US AN OFFER Anderson's PHONE 3-3734 335 Chemeketa St. Salem, Or. Second Trade SELL '47 Nash' 600 4-dr. $545 Nash 600 4-dr. 495 Needs repair 48 Nash 600 4-dr.

Sdn. 445 '46 N.ish 600 395 '41 Nash 95 '40 Plymouth Tudor 95 39 Chevrolet 4-door 95 39 Plymouth 2-door 75 '40 Nash 45 ALL GOOD TRANSPORTATION MARION MOTORS ECONOMY LOT 141 Union pa. 1-110 ,111. By Ham Fisher .) AUTOMOBILES 1948 4-DR. Mercury Sedan.

new paint, very clean. Here'a a real sharp car for a second, or for your son or daughter to use for school transportation at this low, low price. $695 MANY OTHER POST-WAR CARS TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINOA STAR MOTORS N. Com'l Union Ph. 3-6303 WHIN BETTER USED CARS AND TRUCKS ARE SOLD.

STAR WILL SELL THEM Dewey's '82 PLY. CLUB COUPE Save Yourself Real Dough Here 51 PLY. CLUB COUPE Here's Another Money Saver 51 CHEV. -TON PKP. A Buy You Can't Pass Up 47 CADILLAC 62 SDNT.

Loaded, Nice as Any '53 '38 DODGE SEDAN It's Cheap '28 Model A Sdn. New Motor IP TOO ARE REALLY LOOKINO FOR THE BEST BUYS IN SALEM. DONT FORGET TO BEB THESE Dewey's WI NEVER CLOSE 3080 MARKET PH. 34061 1949 CHEVROLET sedan. Many extras.

Very clean, I owner. 3010 Nebraska. Apt. No. l.

alii lilt CHEV. I-DOOB Mden. Oood condition, HIS. Phon. 1-3563 alter 1:00 m.

030 N. 13nd St ,111 1041 CHRYSLER BOTAL 4-door, excellent oondltion. 13FS Ivergreen. 3-1881 alter 0:00 p.m. BEST OFFER TAKES CHdlmobllo Club Coupe.

1040. Radio. Heater, ete. See between And at 41 Bren An. Call 3-M37.

IMS CHEV. SEDAN 4 -dOOr, 007 Mill. Phone 1-1440. top ohape. 0.113 TAKS GOOD LATE MODEL gar In trade for Pelrmount view lot.

Writ. Boi 17a, Capital Journal. ,113 Ot1''1 vVHV, HE TOLE ME V- lOOKf HrvOStY' WY, BEEN Yl VOUR VshALL know etonoe Ajr-lJl -WTTTr l8Te-Mv' cnn rr I MPj I ag. ITS S. Liberty Prion.

4-4171 Terme Coure, "-VV.".

The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.