IFBB Figure Pro Q&A with Erin Thomson — KOMPAK (2024)


Erin Thomson


IFBB Figure Pro

Background before competing

Before I entered the world of bodybuilding I was a competitive highland dancer (ironic) haha and swimmer and competed for Scotland across the UK and in America. Having a background in competitive sports has helped massively with my bodybuilding career as it has shown me discipline with my training and how much effort is needed to compete at a high level.

In 2013 my competitive career ended due to being in a bad skiing accident on a school trip in Switzerland. I broke my collar bone and tore the ligaments in my knees which resulted in 3 operations and a year in a leg brace. Due to the length of the recovery my competing days ended and joined the gym to help with recovery.

After joining the gym in 2014, I fell in love with training all over again and found myself researching and creating my own mini training programmes from bodybuilding.com LOL. I found myself training like a bodybuilder without even knowing it!

At the time I was studying to be a mechanical engineer but realised quickly that wasn't the career I was destined for. I quit my job and travelled round the states teaching children how to swim and play golf. This was a game changer for me as it made me realise how much I enjoyed helping other people achieve their goals!

After returning from the states in 2015 I applied to be a Personal Trainer and met a girl who competed in bikini competitions on my course. After following her journey for a few years and researching the different classes, divisions I thought I would give it a go and i am SOOO glad i did!!

Was being an IFBB Figure Pro always the goal?

Nope! The girl who got me into the bodybuilding industry was a WBFF athlete so my original plan was to enter a WBFF show because it was all I really knew. After competing in my first shows with PCA 2018 as a bikini trained athlete and winning the overall, I knew that my next step would be to transition and try to win my IFBB pro card. I knew that I was too big for the bikini class and naturally my physique looked better in figure poses so essentially it was the next step.

I have always loved the figure look and it is a class I am so proud to be in now. I am glad I have had experience in both classes because it allows me to be a better coach to my clients!

On your way to becoming PRO in figure, what did you learn along the way that you wish you knew looking back?

That the result WILL come if you give yourself time! When prepping for a show, we always want the results to come there and then but patience is your biggest tool to your success. If I knew how long my legs would take to come in (26 weeks), I would have started prep ALOT earlier. The cool thing about bodybuilding is that you learn something new about yourself every prep, it may take a few seasons to find the best method or approach for you!

How do you balance prepping other competitors while working towards your own competitive goals?

As a coach my clients and their preps are my priority, bodybuilding is a huge passion of mine so I make it work around them but ultimately my girls come first. Organisation is a huge tool for me and my days are literally planned out to the hour to make sure I am as productive as possible for them. I fit my own training in between 4-6am to make sure my non-negotiables are done prior to my work day starting.

What have been the hardest parts of your prep?

This is a tough one because I love every aspect of prep, especially the tough days haha. The tough days allow you to see how much of a strong badass women you are!! haha. The hardest aspect of prep i'd say is probably going round to your gran's house and having to say no to milk in your tea or any of the tray bakes she has made. I think that will always be the hardest part seeing how upset she gets because she doesn't understand bodybuilding.

From a lifestyle, habits and mindset perspective, what should people do before they enter their next prep?

The 'prep before the prep' is the MOST important part from a health perspective for any seasoned athletes and especially first timers. Your body and mind NEEDS to be in a healthy place prior to starting a contest prep if you want to bring your best package. Your relationship with food, your health, your daily routine, your work schedule, stress, time management all need to be at an optimal place prior to starting a contest prep. From a mindset perspective it is super important to believe in yourself, prep can get extremely tough in the final couple of weeks but this is where having a mental toughness will help you get through it.

What are the goals for the future?

My main goal is to be one of the best UK female prep coaches and help girls step on stage while educating them to become their very best self.

My personal goal is to continue to work hard and bring my very best package and beat my previous self every time I step on stage. I think it's super important to stay in your own lane and focus on you in this sport, everyone is at different chapters of their journey.

And my life goal is to have 2-3 children, married and living in a very peaceful, chilled life while running some bad ass businesses! haha

To follow Erin’s journey as an IFBB Figure Pro head over to her Instagram @erint.ifbbpro

IFBB Figure Pro Q&A with Erin Thomson — KOMPAK (2024)
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